WinSouls is built on the fundamentals of helping people to turn that darkness in their heart into light through our motivational preachers. If you are looking for something to fill the void in your heart, if you are feeling lost, if you are ready to take the next step your life and find your spiritual freedom, look no further because WinSouls is here for you through it all.

Our motivational preachers from WinSouls create a safe space for everyone so you will not need to worry about feeling ashamed or feeling embarrassed. WinSouls is a judge free safe space as we all know things we have done or things that we have been through do not define us. If you grew up in a difficult environment, we know it is difficult to break out of the circle you were raised in into something positive and uplifting. That’s what WinSouls is here for. WinSouls is built by Jeff who has incredible passion for God, who also went through many difficult challenges and struggles in life to get to where he’s at today.

No matter where you are in life, our motivational preachers are here for you. We are here to guide you, direct you, help you navigate through this crazy world as we all know we cannot do life alone. That’s hear from Jeff’s testimony. Jeff grew up being a Christian household however his heart was not connected to God when he was little. He goes to church every week, sit in church services, but his mind wonders everywhere. His heart was very distant from God until he met his mentor after he graduated high school who helped him to grow into the person that God had created him to be.

Jeff went out his way and big game to talk to people about Jesus on a regular basis on the campus of his college. And he kept on going regardless of the response he got. He heard from God many times that he was supposed to be a preacher or a minister, but he was scared. He was very insecure because of his background and the things he had went through in his life, he felt inadequate and he felt that he was not good enough. Yet the Lord did not give up on him, he kept on calling and calling. Eventually, Jeff stepped out of his shell and fully embraced his mission and his purpose in life and that is to be a motivational preacher and help reach people lifes.

Whether you’re happy or you’re feeling down, you should always feel comfortable connecting with us as we are here to walk your life journeys with you. So are you ready to give us the chance to help you to have a better life? Simply visit us at for contact us at 918-766-9673. We are looking forward to hear from you!

What Do You Want Out Of Your Motivational Preacher?


At WinSouls, our motivational preachers are your friends, your teachers, your mentors will are always there for you. The general idea of the company is to reach people whether they have a strong relationship with God or you have little to no relationship to God at all. Our goal is to help people to break out their shells and have spiritual freedom. As much as you are struggling with life right now, we promise you that there is always a way to get through all the challenges if you would give us the opportunity to walk through your life journeys with us.

Our motivational preachers at WinSouls can help you whereever you are at in life. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom who takes care of four kids at home or you are a professional football player who spend most of your time on the football field, or perhaps you work in a fast food restaurant where everything is constantly on the go… WinSouls is always there for you walking with you to help you to get through your challenges in life. Whenever you’re feeling down, hop on our website, click on one of our videos, and just close your eyes and listen to our motivational preachers preach. They are like that light at the end of the tunnel directs you were to go, gives you hope, and cast out all your fears.

If you are somebody who finds comfort in books, would provide many different books where you can find comfort and find wisdom in. Next to that, our youtube channel is the best way to stay connected with us. Fundamentally, we believe in the word of God. We believe that Jesus shed his blood for us and died for us on the cross. Therefore our mission is to help people to releash their inner struggle, put their trust in Jesus and let God help them solve their worries. No one can get through life by himself. No one can do it alone. As we understand how deep some of the struggles can be, we provide our services specifically for that reason. As long as you give us the permission to speak into your life, and let God work on your hearts, WinSouls is the tool for you!

Along with our books and our YouTube channels, we also offer merchandise that is easily accessible for everyone. These merchandise is a ministry itself. When people who have merchandise that point to God, he sets their mind free and allows them to focus on what’s truly important. They can walk through life and have that constant reminder that they can be fearless because we have God on our side. When you wear our merchandise, you are also inviting others to getting to know Jesus. Creating and starting easy and comfortable conversations with others who may not have heard from Jesus otherwise.

Do not hesitate to visit us at or contact us at 918-766-9673 and just give us the chance to walk through life with you. We want to welcome you as we are all sons and daughters of God. We hope to hear from you soon!