Support Us
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Welcome to our support us page. We are so honored and thankful that you have found this page and that you would consider investing in our ministry and in the calling that God has put on our lives. We know that every person is given gifts from God. We are all given time, treasure and talents. The question is not whether you have these things, but how are you using them. We always love the parable in the Bible that talks about how God gave a certain amount of money to three different servants. The first he gave one coin to, another he gave three coins to and another he gave 10 coins. The story is incredible because the one with 10 coins went out and invested it wisely and brought it back with a profit. The one who was given three coins went out and did the same. However, the one who was only given one coin was afraid of losing what the master had given him, so he went out and buried it. When the master came back and asked what they had done with the investment that he had given them, he praised the servant with 10 coins and gave him more. The master then praised the servant who had been given three coins gave him more. However, the servant that he had only given one coin to, he rebuked and he kicked out and told him that he was not fit to be a part of his kingdom. He then gave that one coin to one of the other servants and instructed them to continue to utilize what he had given them to grow his kingdom. In our lives it’s the same way. God has given us time, treasure and talent. You have a story. You have abilities. There are people that you need to reach. We strongly encourage you to go out and do that.
All of us are given only a limited amount of time. I always like thinking of time as a currency. We spend time. Where are you spending your time? Are you using it in the best possible ways, or are you wasting it? Are you burying your time? Are you spending your time scrolling on Facebook, watching TV or doing things that you should not be doing? If you are, today can be a turning point. You truly can make the decision to utilize your time for something that can have an eternal impact. When it comes to your treasure, we know that this can always be a sensitive topic. Many churches shy away from talking about tithes and offering and giving monetarily. We never do. We are always passionate about asking you to invest your treasure, your money, into our ministry. Without the funds that you give so generously, we are not able to create our YouTube channel. Without the investment that you make of your treasure, we are not able to write the books that we write. Without the investment of your treasure into our ministries, we are not able to go to the speaking events that were able to be a part of. We want you to know that we are so incredibly grateful for your generosity. We know that the cost of living is constantly going up, and life seems to get more more expensive. We also realize how busy things can get, and we want you to know that when you give to us, we will not waste a dime. We will use every penny to further the mission that God is called us to. Thank you for trusting us with your treasure today.
We also want you to understand that not only do we love your support monetarily, but we always crave and appreciate and desire your support in prayer. We truly believe that prayer changes things. The Bible says that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. As you are going throughout your day and as you think of us, we asked that you will pray for us. Go to battle in the spirit for us. Stand up against the enemy on behalf of what we are doing. We know that the enemy is against anyone who would try to lead people to Jesus. Our declared mission in life is to lead people to Jesus. We want to help people take next steps in becoming closer to him and walking in relationship with him. As our impact increases, so does the spiritual warfare against us. As you partner with us not only financially, but also in prayer, you truly are strengthening the mission and the impact that we are able to have. Never underestimate what prayer can do. Our God is big. He is great. He hears our prayers. He answers our prayers. We ask that you will pray for us. Pray that our needs will be met. Pray that our words will be effective. Pray that we are able to reach people that no one else is able to reach. Pray that God uses us to lead people to him. Also pray for protection. Pray that the plans of the enemy will fail. Pray that the Spirit of God will strengthen us and give us wisdom and vision to be able to continue to be led by Him and everything that we do. Pray for us that we will not compromise in any capacity. Pray for us that everything that we do is founded and rooted in the word of God. We are confident that as the spirit leads you to pray for us and as you obey, that we truly will be united in the spirit. Please support us in this way. We never underestimate the power of prayer. We are so grateful for your commitment to do this for us. We thank you for your partnership in this way and financially. We look forward to continuing to report the amazing things that God is doing through our ministry.