If you are searching for the top Tulsa motivational preacher, then you don’t need to look any further. Although there many different amazing creatures in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, we are sure that you will find our amazing ministry team here at win souls great. We have been in ministry for many years and have successfully read many books, creating YouTube content, and leading people towards God. We truly believe that God can use us to glorify him and lead others towards him. We tried to reach out on many different channels whether it be on the Internet, in person, or through writing. We want to connect and meet anyone and everyone who wishes to know more about the things of God. You can always give us a call at our number to talk more about God.

The top Tulsa motivational preacher is our amazing preacher, Jeff. Jeff has always grown up knowing about God and church, but he did not personally have a relationship with him. During his teenage years, he fell away from the Lord and ran away from his will. He then realized that he needed to know more about having a personal relationship with God and reading the Bible. He found a mentor who helped him through this process and he then fell in love with leading others towards God. It is now his mission to have an impact on others for God. So much of our world is so negative, and because of that we are intentional about creating a positive and hopeful environment for people to join.

One thing that our top Tulsa motivational preacher loves to do is speak to groups about God. He gave us this opportunity to build relationships with others and speaking to their lives. We love to travel out to you wherever you may be that we can get to know you and give you hope through the word of God. You will be able to reach out to us and schedule a time for us to come visit your small group, or large church. We have extreme preaching in front of crowds of many different sizes, so we are open to any opportunity. You can trust that our teachings will align with the word of God so that your group is taught biblically.

We hope that no matter what ministry you are wanting to partner with us in, that you will give us a call. We look forward to meeting and getting to know any of our amazing partners. If you’re wanting us to come speak, or you have followed our video channel for a while, we want to get to know you so that we can have a great conversation. Please give us a call no matter what your need is, even if you’re just wanting to talk. We always willing to listen and lead you in the right direction.

You can reach our amazing website, winsouls.net, for more information about our ministry and the opportunities that we offer. Please also give us a call at 918-766-9673.

Feel Like Seeing A Top Tulsa Motivational Preacher?


Are you looking for the top Tulsa motivational preacher? Here at win souls, we are able to provide you with great biblical teachings through our many different ministry opportunities. Our preacher, Jeff, is passionate about teaching others the word of God. He grew up knowing about God, but never fully understood his love. He ended up falling away from the faith and running away from God’s will. He more recently became interested again and was led by a mentor towards God and began a relationship with him. Since then he has been studying the Bible and leading others towards hope. We are able to provide our ministry opportunities in many different ways.

One way the top Tulsa motivational preacher reaches out towards the public is through our YouTube channel. There is millions of people who get on YouTube every day. There are many negative and bad influencers out there who teach the opposite things of God. We are here to to provide a light and hope for others who need it. This is why we create content for our YouTube channel so that anyone who is on YouTube is able to find this and learn more about God in his word. You can count on us to create content on a regular basis so that we are constantly engaging others in the things of God. We are less with this opportunities be able to reach out to the millions of people all over the world on YouTube.

Another way that the top Tulsa motivational preacher is able to reach everyone is through our writings. We have written several different books that we are sharing with anyone and everyone. If you want to learn more about our ministries or how to follow God through his word, then you should get a hold of one of our books. We believe that God has inspired us to write all of these teachings and hopefully provide a light and hope for someone out there who reads them. We are constantly working on new material so that people have a resource on how to become a closer follower of God.

One other way that we are able to serve our community and other surrounding communities is through our teachings. If you are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area you are able to partner with us by letting us come to your organization or church and teach the word of God. We have experience in preaching in many different size crowds, so we would love to come to you and get to know your group. We are very passionate about teaching the word of God to any group or church organization and we look forward to hopefully partnering with you.

The matter where you are in the world, you will be able to reach us on our YouTube channel or through our amazing books. You can also visit our website, winsouls.net, for more information about our ministry opportunities. You can also reach out to our phone number if you are wanting us to come speak to your group at 918-766-9673.