by clay | Jul 25, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
Are you looking for more in a motivational preacher? We are excited to offer a mentorship program that will grow and develop you spiritually beyond measure. We are here to run the race with you. Spiritual growth is a journey and a call to action. We are here to take...
by clay | Jul 25, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
Win souls have the most astonishing motivational preacher in the Tulsa area. Jeff Thomas is the founder of this extraordinary ministry. This ministry has the ultimate goal to win souls for Christ and to nurture that soul once it is won. The mentorship program offered...
by clay | Jun 29, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
if you’re in our local area you are looking for motivational preacher today who is God-fearing and is truly compassionate about God’s people to give Jeff a call today. A lot of times we have people who are very powerful and the word of God but they lack...
by clay | Jun 29, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
if you are heading over an upcoming event you are needing a motivational preacher in your local area to come to speak give Jeff a call today. Jeff is a preacher who has been influenced by the power of the Lord’s word. He has been able to take the lives of...
by admin | May 6, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
if you are looking for motivational preacher that is located in the Tulsa area then connecting with Jeff will be a great opportunity to help lighten the emotional, mental, and spiritual loads of the people. Jeff comes in by the spirit and tranforms lives bny the word...
by admin | May 6, 2022 | Motivational Preacher
encourage the children of our future with the motivational preacher who could have prepared them for what is the come. If you are thinking about hosted an event soon for the little ones in your community you are needing a motivational speaker who believes in Christ...